Nursery Frequently Asked Questions


Where do I go to drop off and pick up my child?

Look for the green fence on Sidlaw Road near the church—the gate is at the corner. What are the school times? Nursery is open from 8.45– 11.45 and 12.30—3.30, but bespoke hours are available, just speak to the school office or nursery staff.


Do we need to be Catholic? Does my child need to be baptised?

We are a Catholic school and teach the Catholic Faith, but we welcome children and families from all faiths and backgrounds—everyone is welcome!


What is the uniform?

Reception children wear the full school uniform as listed on the school website, but nursery children can wear a navy blue jogging suit if preferred


What is the curriculum?

Nursery Children follow the Early Years National Curriculum, and the teachers plan opportunities for learning the basic skills they will need for reading, writing and maths.


Will they be working all the time?

We operate a free flow system of activities throughout the day, and your child will have lots of opportunities to learn through play and exploration, as well as time with the teacher for phonics and counting etc.


Do they do PE?

Yes, they will have physical activities available all day, but also have timetabled sessions of PE too.


Can they sleep?

Yes if they need to, we have a lovely quiet area where they can go for supervised quiet time.


Is there homework?

Homework is very simple activities you might like to try with your child, mostly play-based.


How can I help?

Getting your child ‘school ready’ by practising dressing, toileting, speaking and reading stories to them, singing and letting them have experiences like going to the shops or visiting the park are all valuable in helping your child develop their curiosity about the world.


Do the children go to church?

We attend church fortnightly when possible, and parents are welcome to attend the services too.