
Updated: 01/05/2024 5.39 MB

Nursery Application Form

Updated: 01/05/2024 249 KB

Did you know we offer 30 hours funded childcare here at Holy Rosary?

All 3 to 4-year-old children are entitled to 15 hours free Nursery provision provided over 38 weeks. (Universal entitlement) Some families are now eligible to an additional 15 hours. (Extended entitlement)
Here at Holy Rosary’s Nursery, we offer the following patterns of provision.

Universal Entitlement:
5 mornings a week or 5 afternoons a week

Extended Entitlement:

8.45 - 3.30 (Mornings 8.45 – 11.45) (Afternoons 12.30 – 3.30)

Wraparound Care

To support working families with further wraparound care, we can also offer the following:

Lunch Time: If you would like your child to stay for lunch, they may do so at a cost of £3.00 per day. This is to be paid daily/weekly and is to cover the cost of staffing only. Parents must provide a packed lunch for these days. (Children do not have to stay for lunch. They can be picked up at the end of the first Nursery session and returned for the second)

Breakfast Club from 7:40am: This can be paid for on a daily/weekly basis. The current cost is £3.00 per day (£1.50 for children entitled to FSM). Please ask a member of staff/office staff for further details.

If you would like further information, please contact the school office on 01642 552274.